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The 10 Best Devil May Cry 5 Mods

What are the best Devil May Cry 5 mods:
Devil May Cry 5 is one of the best in the series, but once you play it a few times, it’s nice to experience something new.
Well, you’re in luck because there is no shortage of mods for DMC5 that can completely transform the game!
Today, we’re looking at the best Nexus has to offer and rounding up the mods you absolutely can’t miss out on!
The 10 Best Devil May Cry 5 Mods:
There are almost 3000 mods for Devil May Cry 5 on the Nexus alone, but not all of them can make the game more enjoyable.
The mods we’ve chosen have been selected based on their overall stability, number of endorsements, and how they impact gameplay.
So, before you take on Urizen once more, check out our list of the 10 best Devil May Cry mods:
10. DMC1 Dante
Kicking off our list is a mod that brings Dante back to his roots by making him look more like his DMC 1 self.
When this mod is installed, Dante’s regular and extra costumes will be replaced with his DMC1 Monster Hunter World outfit.
Dante’s hair has also been replaced with a shorter version, and his face has been tweaked to make him look just a little bit younger.
Now, don’t get us wrong, Dante looks good in the vanilla version of DMC5, but there is just something really awesome about his red jacket get-up!
It just really makes him look badass, and we highly recommend checking out this mod if you’re a fan of this classic look.
9. DMC5 Performance Mod
Devil May Cry 5 may not be one of the most graphically demanding PC games, but it can still have trouble running on low-spec computers.
If you’re having trouble running this game without issues, the DMC5 Performance mod is an absolute must-have.
This mod allows you to modify a lot of things that could cause performance issues, such as lag and stuttering.
These include disabling light probes, shadows, cubemaps, atmospheric haze, and ambient occlusion.
With this mod, there are also hotkeys for each of the things you can disable, so you can try them in real-time to see what has the biggest impact.
We really like this feature because, too often, mods like this require modifying the .ini file and then having to load the game to see what’s changed.
If you’re not happy with the changes, you then have to close the game, reopen the file, rinse, and repeat, which takes a ton of time.
Fortunately, this mod simplifies the process, and it is even easy for players with little modding experience to understand!
8. Hellboy
Hellboy is one of the most underrated characters, in our opinion, and he often gets the short end of the stick despite having awesome source material.
While his latest movie may have gone wrong, this mod brings Hellboy into the world of Devil May Cry, and it is freaking awesome.
This mod replaces Nero with Hellboy, using his model from Injustice 2, and there are two versions to choose from; Agent Hellboy and Anung Un Rama.
Moreover, this mod adds new VFX, a few custom outfits, and a few new weapons, namely Excalibur and his Good Samaritan pistol.
We had way too much fun playing around with this mod, but then again, we’re die-hard fans of the comic book.
Even so, this mod can be incredibly fun, even if you’re only familiar with the movies. (Guillermo Del Toro’s, or the other one.)
The Hellboy mod is undoubtedly extremely well-made, and it’s perfect to play if you’re waiting for Hellboy: Web of Wyrd to be released!
7. NieR Automata Weapon Pack
NieR Automata is everywhere, it seems, and it’s even made its way into the best Code Vein mods, so it should be no surprise that DMC gets the same treatment!
This mod is for anyone who loves the weapons in NieR Automata and wants to be able to use them in Devil May Cry 5.
When installed, this mod adds 12 weapons from NieR, and they look incredible and are really fun to play with.
Some of the weapons added include Virtuous Contract, Cruel Oath, the Phoenix Sword, Iron Will, Beast Lord, and the YorHa Blade.
The only real downside to this mod is that these weapons are only available for Nero, though the mod creator is working on a version for Dante and V.
That said, if you’re a fan of NieR Automata, this is certainly a must-have mod, and all of these weapons fit perfectly into the vanilla game!
6. V Joker costume
V has an extremely distinctive appearance which many fans likened to Kylo Ren from the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
However, mod creator GirlGamer1998 saw another likeness, that of Heath Leger’s Joker, and we are totally here for it.
As the name suggests, this mod turns V into the Joker with green hair, face paint, and a whole new costume.
It also gives him a new book, a new character selection picture, and a new title that reads Joker.
One touch that we really think is neat is that V’s book of poems is replaced with Batman comics, which is hilarious.
While there is a great mod that turns V into Kylo Ren, we think the Joker costume is a lot more vibrant, and it puts a unique spin on an already awesome character!
5. Dante’s Nightmare Pack
If you want to make DMC5 a little more like one of the best horror games, Dante’s Nightmare pack is worth checking out.
This is one of the most unique mods for NMC5 on Nexus, and it does a number of cool things that horror fans will appreciate.
When installed, this mod replaced Dante with Freddy Kreuger, Nero with Ash Williams, and V with Jason.
There are also two enemy packs that change enemies into things like Predator, Ghost Face, Michael Myers, and creepy clowns.
If that wasn’t enough, the lighting has been overhauled to be creepier, and there are new VFX to really increase the terrifying atmosphere.
Dante’s Nightmare Pack adds a ton of unique features that you can’t get with any other mod, and we absolutely love it.
While this mod is great to play whenever, we would especially recommend loading it up around Halloween because it really fits the spirit of the season!
4. COOP Trainer
The COOP Trainer is a fantastic mod that gives you the ability to play through missions any way you want.
In the Deliverance mode, you can choose to play as either Dante, Nero, or V, and there are no more limits dictating who is reserved for a mission.
Now, we’ll be the first to admit that we simp for V, so being able to play as him during any story mission is kind of a dream come true.
However, that’s only scratching the surface of what this mod can do that makes it worth downloading.
Along with being able to play as anyone, this mod also allows up to four players to play together in a co-op game, and the vanilla limits are removed.
Since the vanilla game only has co-op for selective missions where all 3 characters go out together, this is a welcome change!
Moreover, this mod also allows you to tweak the game’s graphics options, as well as the background battle music.
You can also swap around bosses, make characters dirty, make enemies tougher in co-op, and start a Bloody Palace run from any stage.
The COOP Trainer is a phenomenal mod, and it really covers a ton of things that allow you to customize your playthroughs.
DMC5 may be one of the best Devil May Cry games, but the COOP Trainer definitely improves on a lot of its lackluster features!
3. Lil Peep (Nero) Mod
This is one of the crazier mods for Devil May Cry 5, but we kind of love it, and it’s really well done!
Lil Peep’s death in 2017 shocked the music world, but since then, his music and image have only grown in popularity.
This mod replaces Nero’s default outfit with one based on Peep’s, and it also gives Nero pink hair and all of the rapper’s tattoos.
The end result is pretty damn awesome, and it’s a great tribute to an impactful musician that was lost way too early.
We really love this new outfit especially, and oddly enough, it doesn’t really feel out of place in the Devil May Cry world.
Honestly, we totally wish this jacket was available in real life because we would absolutely snatch it up!
Jealousy aside, this mod is extremely well-made, and its creator, Nerozation, spared no details while making it.
Even if you’re not a die-hard Lil Peep fan, this mod is worth downloading because it really makes Nero look absolutely awesome!
2. Deadpool For Dante
Deadpool is just as iconic as the most popular video game characters, and this mod brings him to the world of Devil May Cry.
This mod replaces Dante with Deadpool’s model from Fortnite, and it’s absolutely amazing and hilarious!
What’s really great about this mod is that, while you’re playing as Deadpool, the character fits right into the game.
Although it may seem like Deadpool should look really out of place, we were surprised at how well this skin fit into the vanilla game.
It also pairs well with the Deadpool Style Announcer mod by Imperfecfext, which adds voice lines from the 2013 Deadpool video game.
While we wish there was a mod that added voice lines from Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool, we’re pretty sure that would enter some sketchy trademark territory.
That said, these two mods work great for adding the Merc with a Mouth to Devil May Cry 5, and we’re definitely having fun with them!
1. SSSiyan’s Collaborative Cheat Trainer
Taking our number one spot is a mod that bundles some of the best Devil May Cry 5 tweaks and cheats into one single package!
SSSiyan’s Collaborative Cheat Trainer is an absolutely massive mod, and it is one that we recommend for anyone looking to spice up their next playthrough.
Giving players the freedom to play however they want, there are a ton of gameplay options you can tweak on the fly.
This mod gives you the ability to change the gameplay, different scenarios, and individual characters in a variety of ways.
There is a character swapper, a redirectable inertia option, an enemy spawner, an enemy wave randomizer, and cheats like infinite HP and DT.
You can also change the balance of the game by setting enemy difficulty, damage multipliers, or turning on one-hit kills.
Additionally, this mod adds Bloody Palace stage jump opinions, new looks for Dante, and numerous buffs for the characters.
If that wasn’t enough, there are also taunt selector choices, the ability to disable enemy AI, a turbo mode, and boss moves for Vergil!
Pretty much anything you could think of tweaking has been included in this mod, which is what makes it worth downloading.
We highly recommend checking this mod out if you want to be able to customize basically everything about your next playthrough!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of the 10 best Devil May Cry 5 mods and found some you’re eager to download!
DMC5 is a great game, and these mods are perfect for if you want to experience a more unique playthrough.
SSSiyan’s Collaborative Cheat Trainer, especially, gives players a ton of options to tweak almost every aspect of the game!
Here’s a quick recap of the 10 best Devil May Cry 5 mods:
- SSSiyan’s Collaborative Cheat Trainer
- Deadpool For Dante
- Lil Peep (Nero) Mod
- COOP Trainer
- Dante’s Nightmare Pack
- V Joker costume
- NieR Automata Weapon Pack
- Hellboy
- DMC5 Performance Mod
- DMC1 Dante