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The 25 Best Sims 4 Toddler Mods & CC Packs

What are the best Sims 4 toddler mods & cc packs?
Toddlers in Sims 4, you either love them or you don’t, though we will admit that they are much more tolerable in Sims 4 than they were in previous games. They’re even downright adorable at times!
Whatever your thoughts on these tiny toddlers are, they are an integral part of the Sims 4 experience, and there is no shortage of mods to help make raising them as enjoyable as possible, even if your parenting skills still need a bit of work.
The Best Sims 4 Toddler Mods & CC Packs
We’ve rounded up the best toddler mods for Sims 4 so that you can spend more time with your virtual little ones and less time scouring the web yourself.
Here’s our list of the 25 best Sims 4 toddler mods & cc packs:
25. Alphabet Pacifier
There are a lot of cute items for toddlers in Sims 4, but not near enough in our option.
Thankfully, this mod is a step in the right direction as it adds brand-new pacifiers for your tiny toddler to use.
Each pacifier comes in pink or blue and has a letter of the alphabet on it. This way, you can choose one for both your male and female toddlers and have their first initial on it.
This is totally something we could see a toddler in real life having, and it’s a nice inclusion to the game!
24. Superhero Onesies and Masks For Toddlers
Kids in real-life love dressing up as their favorite superheroes, and it makes sense that, in one of the best real-life simulation games, kids would feel the same.
This mod adds adorable superhero onesies to the game, including Superman, Captain America, Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern. These outfits are so cute you definitely won’t say no to your tots wearing them every day.
Best of all, this mod isn’t limited to only toddlers, so you adult sims can totally rock them as well! Because we all know that you’re never too old to run around the house pretending to be Superman!
23. Solace Baby Swing – TS3 to TS4
With this mod, Solace Baby Swings have been converted from Sims 3 so that your little ones can enjoy them in Sims 4.
This fully functioning high chair looks really great in-game, and while it doesn’t actually have a swinging animation, it is still a very realistic piece of furniture.
Available in seven awesome colors, your toddler is sure to love it, and it only costs ten simoleons! That’s basically a steal for such an awesome way to keep your toddler occupied!
22. Pampers Cruisers Diapers
Toddlers go through a lot of diapers, and even when they’re potty training, accidents will inevitably happen. With the Pampers Cruisers Diapers mod, you can now bring this real-life struggle into the Sims!
This CC pack adds six diapers to Sims 4 based on Pampers Cruisers and variants of the base game clothes that look more realistic with the diaper underneath.
While this mod may not seem as exciting as some of the most popular video games right now, if immersion is what you’re after, it is definitely a game-changer.
21. Functional Dino Slide (with Custom Animation)
There isn’t nearly enough outdoor play equipment for toddlers in Sims 4, which makes this mod a must-have for those who want to give their wee ones plenty of things to do outside.
The Functional Dino Slide mod comes with a custom animation that lets kids slide down it, spring back up, and run back around for another go.
The slide itself is also really cute, and it fits in perfectly with other Sims 4 toddler playsets.
If that wasn’t enough, the slide can also be used by all ages, so adults who are still kids at heart can play along with their toddlers!
20. Child Can Be Carried By Adults And Child Can Care For Toddlers
This mod does two things. It allows children to be carried around by adults, and it allows children to take care of toddlers.
While both parts of this mod are helpful, children can take care of toddlers is the biggest boon.
With this mod installed, children have new interactions unlocked with toddlers, including “put toddler to bed,” “change toddler’s diaper,” and “carry toddler.”
If you’re a busy single parent sim, this can be incredibly helpful, and it can prevent your adult sim from becoming chronically unhappy and overwhelmed.
While there are some minor animation glitches from time to time, this mod is ultimately 100% functional, and we couldn’t imagine playing without it.
19. Elephant Slide
Although the Dino Slide mod is adorable, we’re tempted to say that this Elephant Slide is even cuter.
Seriously, this little round elephant is absolutely precious, and the slide looks like its trunk from the side.
While it does require you to have the Toddler Stuff pack and adult sims can’t use it, it’s honestly fun enough watching your toddlers go up and down it, and you may want to keep it around even after your tots grow up!
18. Freezer Bunny Daycare And Stuff Pack
If you’re coming into Sims 4 after playing some of the best RPG PS4 games and have no knowledge of the previous games, you may be unfamiliar with Freezer Bunny.
Essentially, this rabbit is a running gag easter egg that has made many appearances throughout the franchise, and this mod puts it into the spotlight.
This CC pack is chock-full of Freezer Bunny items, including wall decorations, furniture, toys, clutter, and much more. There is even a Freezer Bunny toddler bed!
This little guy is both funny and adorable, and we definitely recommend this pack if you want to completely deck out your toddler’s room. You won’t regret it!
17. Breastfeed Toddlers!
This Breastfeed Toddlers mod is perfect for Simmers who want to add more realism and immersion to Sims 4.
With this mod installed, the cuddle interaction option is replaced with a breastfeeding interaction.
While this doesn’t actually have an animation, all it takes is a quick whirl and a few seconds of cuddling for your toddler’s hunger bar to be completely filled!
This is definitely quicker than having to put them in a high chair and feed them or making them grab a serving to eat on the floor. (Which is probably questionable parenting if you ask the local social worker.)
16. Plushies (Playable Freezer Bunny)
We just can’t get enough of Freezer Bunny, and for good reason. If the Freezer Bunny wall decals and furniture items just weren’t enough, you’ll want to make sure you pick up this mod as well.
Plushies (Playable Freezer Bunny) adds new Freezer Bunny, Llama, Kitty, and Sly Fox toys that your toddlers can interact and play around with.
It is literally adorable, and you can make it quite hilarious if you use the resize cheat to make these toys slightly larger than they should be.
Trust us, there is nothing more fun than watching your tiny toddler flinging around a giant pink rabbit toy that you can make even larger than them.
15. Drink-o-Baby
The Drink-o-Baby mod is a godsend for when you don’t have any food lying around, and you have an angry, hungry toddler on your hands that’s screeching loud enough to scare even some of the toughest video game bosses.
Think of it as the quick meal option for tots, but instead of cereal, this appliance produces bottles and sippy cups that can keep your toddler fed while you whip up something more filling.
The selection of beverages is also really impressive, ranging all the way from the basic water and milk all the way to fruit purees in five different flavors.
It is definitely a great mod to have if you want to make raising a toddler a little less stressful on your Sims.
14. Kiddie Pools Give Movement Skill For Toddlers
By far one of the toughest things about raising toddlers in Sims 4 is trying to find time to teach them meaningful skills.
Fortunately, this mod can give you at least a little bit of help when it comes to boosting your toddler’s movement skill.
What this mod does is basically allow your toddler’s movement skill to gradually increase while they are playing in a kiddie pool. This makes total sense since the kids are, in fact, moving around!
If you’re struggling to get your Sims 4 toddler to a skill level that’s beneficial, this is one mod you can’t miss out on.
13. Nutri-Baby
Similar to the Drink-o-Baby, the Nutri-Baby is a quick and easy way to feed your toddlers even if you don’t have the time or energy to cook a full dinner.
This mod adds a new appliance to the game that toddlers can interact with to get toddler-friendly food, such as mashed potatoes and ham, mashed peas and carrots, baby foods, and even pizza.
All food items are served in colorful lunch trays to help contain the mess, and you can either serve it to them in a highchair or on the floor.
(Granted, you may not want to let the social worker catch you serving your child meals on the floor.)
12. No Puddles Under Bathtubs From Splashing Toddlers
Toddlers love to have fun in the bathtub by splashing around and inevitably end up making a mess big enough to rival even the biggest open-world maps in video game history.
While often adult Sims can clean this up, sometimes a glitch occurs where a puddle gets stuck under the bathtub and can never be cleaned up.
While this may be mildly irritating for most players, if you have a neat freak sim, this can make them uncomfortable every time they go into the bathroom. Now that’s just not fair.
This mod removes this glitch by setting the chance for puddles to form to 0%, meaning no more mess and no more unreachable puddles to sit there mocking you.
11. Toddler Playpens
Playpens are something that you can’t help but wonder why they weren’t in the base game. They are literally so helpful, and yet EA apparently forgot about them!
Fortunately, modders set out to rectify this issue, and we highly recommend that everyone with toddlers in Sims 4 download this mod.
To use the playpen, all you have to do is set it down in an open area, pick up your child, and when you click on the playpen, an option to put the child in it will appear.
Once your rambunctious little darling is inside, you can leave them to play without worrying about them wandering around the house, getting into danger, or starting fires.
Not seriously, we’ve seen them start fires before. It’s terrifying.
10. Little Witches
If your child is on a toddler Halloween costume high from running around in their superhero outfits, you may want to add some variety to their costume repertoire.
The Little Witches costume set comes complete with a tiny pointed hat in seven colors, a witch’s dress in six colors, and a cute skull necklace to top it all off.
Put your kiddo in some green face paint, and they’ll be ready to live out all of their Wicked Witch of the West fantasies.
If you have a female toddler and are searching for adorable outfits to dress them in, this is one mod that you’ll definitely want to add to your list.
9. Baby Animals Toddler Beds
Another thing that the vanilla version of Sims 4 was missing is a good selection of toddler beds. Literally, there are only two to choose from.
This mod changes this by adding six new animal beds with some of the cutest graphics we’ve ever seen.
This mod includes two earth-toned toddler beds, one sporting a panda and the other an incredibly adorable hedgehog, along with purple, blue, orange, and yellow options that feature a sleepy koala, a happy fox, a hot cocoa drinking penguin, and a smiley giraffe.
These beds are leagues better — and cuter — than the base Sims 4 options, and we couldn’t imagine playing without them.
8. Toddlers Have Less Nightmares Candy
Keeping bedtime in mind, we have our next mod, which helps prevent toddlers from having frequent nightmares, which just ends up making everyone in the household miserable.
If you’re tired of your toddler waking you up by screaming like they just rage quit one of the hardest video game levels of all time, this nightmare mod is for you.
This mod takes the 50% nightly nightmare risk and divides it by your toddler’s thinking skill and independent trait — if they have it.
You can choose between three different calculation formulas, including a 20% nightmare chance (with divisions based on traits and skills), a 10% nightmare chance (still affected by traits and skills), and a 0% nightmare chance (everyone is sleeping through the night)!
All you need to do is choose which formula you like most and enjoy your Sim’s newfound peace and quiet.
7. Mini-Chairs & Mini-Tables For Toddlers
In vanilla Sims 4, there aren’t a lot of toddler furniture options, especially if you want cute but functional options.
This CC toddler stuff pack introduces some of the smallest pieces of furniture we’ve ever seen, and they are perfect for toddlers so that they no longer have to plot down on the floor to enjoy their Nutri-Baby meals.
No longer will your wee ones have to choose between sitting on the floor or struggling to hop up on an adult couch or chair to be comfortable. This mod brings everything they need down to their level. (Literally.)
If you’re tired of social services giving you the side-eye when they notice your toddlers eating on the floor, you’ll definitely want to download this mod.
6. Education System Bundle (Preschool Mod)
This Preschool mod is possibly one of the most impressive on our list, and it is something that we kind of wish had been included in Sims 4 from the beginning.
As part of the Education System Bundle, toddlers can now benefit from being able to attend preschool and join their older brothers and sisters while leaving parents with some well-needed time alone.
Preschool can also help boost their skills and character values depending on the activities you choose for them to do in school that day.
For instance, making them listen to the teacher will boost their skills and values much faster at the cost of fun, while letting them play boosts fun, manners, imagination, and movement while stopping skill and value gain.
This is seriously a must-have mod if you’re going to be raising a Sims 4 toddler, and we couldn’t recommend downloading it more highly.
5. Tiny Twavellers
This Sims 4 CC pack is absolutely jam-packed with new items for your toddlers to enjoy.
Created by modder Felixandre, this mod has a jungle safari theme and boasts a jaw-dropping 67 new functional objects, decorations, and more.
With so many new items, you can really go to town, making your toddler’s room look like something off of HGTV.
This pack comes with new beds, including a bassinet, new tables, dressers, chairs, tents, rope swings, bookshelves, wall decorations, lights, and so much more.
If you want to make your toddler’s bedroom look like a set-piece straight out of one of the best PS4 games to play right now, you’re not going to want to pass up this mod.
4. Little Pirate Set
Another thing that children love to dress up as is pirates. There’s just something appealing about sailing the high-seas with your best mates and a parrot named Polly that acutely appeals to kids.
The Little Pirate Set comes fully equipped with everything your toddler needs to live out their Blackbeard fantasies, including boots, costumes, earrings, and tri-corn hats.
We can’t deny that toddlers look absolutely adorable wearing these costumes, and it’s the perfect addition for anyone who loves watching their virtual tykes play dress up.
3. Pokémon Toddler Bed
Most of us went through some type of Pokémon phase when we were kids, and some of us never grew out of it!
It’s only fair that the kids in Sims 4 get to experience this phenomenon for themselves, and this mod lets them do just that!
While it may not be the same as adding some of the best Pokémon games of all time into your Sims 4 experience, these Pokémon toddler beds look awesome.
They also come in many different colors with many different Pokémon, such as Charizard, Wigglytuff, Arcanine, Venusaur, Ninetales, and more.
If you had Pokémon bedding when you were a kid and want your virtual toddlers to have the same comforts, this is the best mod to download.
2. Ultrasound Scan
For Simmers who want the ultimate family experience, the ultrasound scan mod is a must, and it allows pregnant Sims in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters to visit a gynecologist for an ultrasound examination.
This rabbit hole visit lasts about 60 to 90 in-game minutes, and when your sim returns, they will have pictures inside their inventory of their yet-to-be-born bundles of joy.
Viewing the photos will give you the option to frame them so you can hang these memories on your wall for your kids to groan about when they get older!
Your sim will even get a happy buff while viewing them, which is a huge bonus!
1. More Autonomous Social Interactions For Toddlers
Toddlers can do a lot of neat things in Sims 4, but their autonomous actions can get repetitive really fast.
This mod switches things up by giving toddlers 11 new autonomous actions that were previously only available if you manually selected them.
Although it may not seem like much, trust us, it really makes a difference.
With this mod, toddlers can now talk about a wider variety of topics, such as superheroes, princesses, animals, and dinosaurs, without your prompting.
This makes them feel much more lively and realistic than they did in vanilla Sims 4, and we definitely wouldn’t go back to playing without it.
Sims 4 is a great game, and Simmers are continuously finding new and inventive ways to make it even better.
These 25 Sims 4 toddler mods are by far the best you can download today, and they are perfect for anyone, whether you love raising toddlers or can’t wait for them to grow up.
Here’s a quick recap of the 25 best Sims 4 toddler mods & CC packs:
- More Autonomous Social Interactions For Toddlers
- Ultrasound Scan
- Pokémon Toddler Bed
- Little Pirate Set
- Tiny Twavellers
- Education System Bundle (Preschool Mod)
- Mini-Chairs & Mini-Tables For Toddlers
- Toddlers Have Less Nightmares Candyd
- Baby Animals Toddler Beds
- Little Witches
- Toddler Playpens
- No Puddles Under Bathtubs From Splashing Toddlers
- Nutri-Baby
- Kiddie Pools Give Movement Skill For Toddlers
- Drink-o-Baby
- Plushies (Playable Freezer Bunny)
- Breastfeed Toddlers!
- Freezer Bunny Daycare And Stuff Pack
- Elephant Slide
- Child Can Be Carried By Adults And Child Can Care For Toddlers
- Functional Dino Slide (with Custom Animation)
- Pampers Cruisers Diapers
- Solace Baby Swing – TS3 to TS4
- Superhero Onesies and Masks For Toddlers
- Alphabet Pacifier