Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List

Today I will be warmly welcoming all my fellow otakus to this site with this hot off-the-grill Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List.
Have you ever chanced upon a manga that’s so, SO good that when the anime version came out you were jumping up and down your bed because it didn’t turn out as bad as you expected? And then, even with five seasons to watch you just can’t get enough of it that you started playing the mobile game version of it? Have you? Or is fun a foreign word to you?
All jokes aside, I really really believe that words are not enough to express just how addicting The Seven Deadly Sins is. Okay, that sounded wrong. I am of course referring to the Japanese manga/anime franchise and not the seven mentioned in the holy book. For those of you who don’t know (probably because they’ve been living under a rock, kidding), The Seven Deadly Sins is a manga that was turned into an anime (that’s available on Netflix, by the way) AND THEN turned into an awesome grand adventure RPG just two years ago. It didn’t take The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross a long while to skyrocket to worldwide popularity because of its captivating storyline well-designed RPG elements.
Its impressive roster of characters, from Hawk and Meliodias to Taizoo and Simon, are also all rightfully equipped with compelling background stories that will make hours feel like mere seconds. The customizable characters that can don a wide array of outfits perfectly complement the highly engaging and uniquely strategic battle system of the game that makes full use of skill synthesis. In this game, players like you and I can shuffle our set of skills to have a more significant impact on the battlefield. I don’t know about you but that’s pretty exciting for me.
All that said, let’s us proceed to the actual Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List (finally!!).
Given the bountiful banging number of characters that pepper this game, this Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List of ours will be having six different categories: Tier SS, Tier S, Tier A, Tier B, Tier C, and Tier D. As you may have already expected, Tier SS is the special space for the best of the best, the ones you should pray to have. Tier S, which comes right after Tier SS, is the group for all the heroes that are worth building. Tier A will contain all the characters that excel in at the very least one of the general content. Tier B heroes have a niche purpose while those in Tier C have limited use. Lastly, Tier D characters are those that will have no value added to your set of fighters.
Escanor Lion’s Sin of Pride
Also known as Green Escanor, Escanor Holy Knight showcases high raw Combat Class in the game — making him one of the most powerful heroes in both Geared and Ungeared PVP. As “The Man Who Stands on the Pinnacle” he boasts the highest HP and Pierce Rate.
Gowther The Goat Sin Of Lust
Gowther’s The Goat Sin of Lust has long been tagged as one of the most versatile heroes in the game. That’s because his second skill, Invasion Arrow, can effectively rank up the skills of other heroes. What’s even better is that he can be purchased from the Platinum Coin Shop.
Lillia Mastermind
Lilia Mastermind aka Blue Lilia is a renowned support hero that shines in both PVP and PVE content. Like Gowther, she has the ability to increase her allies’ Pierce Rate by 50% of her own Pierce Rate. To make the most out of this character, it would be best to partner her up with Blue Demon Melodias, Red Howzer, and Green Hawk & Elizabeth.
Meliodas Lostvayne
Melodias Lostvayne may be the first Festival Hero in 7DSGC, but he continuous to be more powerful than some of the newest additions to the game. Melodias Lostvayne not only has the highest base Combat Power but also the highest HP, Resistance, and Crit Damage. All these impeccable stats allow him to destroy opponents in PVP with ease.
- Arthur Camelot’s Sword
- Arthur Chosen King
- Ban Purgatory
- Chandler Pacifier Fiend
- Derieri Ten Commandments
- Derieri Sweet Temptation
- Eastin Sunny Vacation
- Eleven Stranger Things
- Elizabeth Holy Warrior
- Emilia Re: Zero
- Escanor Invincible Avatar
- Gowther Halloween
- Helbram Reincarnation Of Revenge
- Hendrickson Ashen Desire
- Jim Stranger Things
- King Signs Of Maturity
- King The Grizzly Sin Of Sloth
- Kyo Kof ’98
- Lilia Advent Of Destruction
- Lilia Mastermind
- Ludociel The Four Archangels
- Meliodas Assault Mode
- Meliodas Knight Of Wrath
- Merlin Collector
- Merlin Divine Protection
- Merlin The Boar Sin Of Gluttony
- Ram Re: Zero
- Roxy Halloween
- Rugal Kof ’98
- Sariel The Four Archangels
- Tramiel The Four Archangels
- Valenti Earthshaker
- Valenti Magic Weapon Mk-ii
- Zeldris Elite Demon
- Zeldris Executioner
- Arthur Destined Heir
- Arthur Light Of Hope
- Athena Kof ’98
- Derieri Elite Demon
- Diane Creation
- Diane The Serpent Sin Of Diane
- Diane The Serpent Sin Of Envy
- Drole Elite Demon
- Drole The Ten Commandments
- Eastin Oceanic Harmonizer
- Eastin Rule Of Torrents
- Eastin Ruler Of Stormy Seas
- Eren Jaeger Cadet Corps
- Estarossa Elite Demon
- Fraudrin Ten Commandments
- Gilthunder Chivalrous
- Gloxinia Elite Demon
- Griamore Champion
- Howzer Tempest
- Jaeger Cadet Corps Eren
- King Harlequin
- Levi Greatest Soldier
- Mai Kof ’98
- Melascula Elite Demon
- Mikasa Ackerman Greatest Soldier
- Mono Advent Of Destruction
- Monspeet Elite Demon
- Shin Dungeon Raider
- Will Stranger Things
- Zeldris The Ten Commandments
- Arthur King Of Prophecies
- Ban Ale Collector
- Ban Outlaw
- Beatrice Re: Zero
- Deathpierce The Pleiades Of The Blue Sky
- Elaine Halloween
- Elaine Sweet Temptation
- Elizabeth & Hawk Mascot
- Elizabeth & Hawk Mobile Tabern
- Elizabeth & Hawk Reverse
- Elizabeth A New Adventure
- Elizabeth Liones
- Elizabeth Mascot
- Elizabeth Mobile Tavern
- Elizabeth New Legend
- Elizabeth Reverse
- Eren Jaeger Titan Form
- Galland Elite Demon
- Galland Ten Commandments
- Guila Rapier
- Gustaf Knight Of Ice
- Helbram Forest Guardian
- Jenna Sweet Temptation
- Jericho Godspeed Knight
- Jericho Knight Of Frost
- Jericho New Legend
- King Forest Guardian
- Lillia Bringer Of Disaster
- Liz Memory Fragment
- Melascula Ten Commandments
- Meliodas New Legend
- Meliodas The Dragon Sin Of Wrath
- Mike Stranger Things
- Mono Deathbringer
- Nanashi Swift Sword
- Oslo & Hawk Knighthood Of Scraps Disposals
- Roxy Mad Destroyer
- Shin Halloween
- Slater Overpower
- Valenti Sunny Vacation
- Zaneri Sweet Temptation
- Zaratras Reincarnation Of Conviction
- Alioni Beard Of The Mountain Cat
- Ban Nunchaku
- Ban The Fox Sin Of Greed
- Bellion The Six Knight Of Black
- Cain Burning Ember
- Camila Executer Of Darkness
- Denzel The Pleiades Of The Azure Sky
- Diane Eternal Promise
- Diane Heart Of The Land
- Diane Kungfu Master
- Diane Matrona
- Diane The Seven Deadly Sins
- Dreyfus Break
- Dreyfus Omen Of Chaos
- Elatte Wings Of The Sky
- Elizabeth Boar Hat Of Tavern
- Estarossa Ten Commandments
- Fraudrin Elite Demon
- Gerharde Memories Of Years
- Gilthunder Star Of Kingdom
- Gilthunder Star Of The Kingdom
- Gilthunder Thunderbolt
- Gloxinia Ten Commandments
- Golgius Weird Fangs
- Gowther Lioness Hero
- Gowther Wanted Man
- Guila Explosion
- Hawk Knighthood Of Scraps Disposal
- Helbram Royalty
- Hendrickson Omen Of Chaos
- Jericho Adventurer
- Jericho New Generation
- Jillian Roars Of Dawn
- King Disaster
- Marmas Boom Boom Pow
- Matrona Fang Of The Land
- Meliodas Boar Hat Tavern
- Meliodas Halloween
- Meliodas The Seven Deadly Sins
- Merlin Infinity
- Milim Tyrant Of Destruction
- Monspeet Ten Commandments
- Rimuru Rule Of Monsters
- Rimuru Slime
- Ruin Weird Fangs
- Slater Roars Of Dawn
- Twigo Confirmation
- Vivian Reincarnation Of Obsession
- Weinheidt Roars Of Dawn
- Arden The Pleiades Of The Blue Sky
- Ban Snatch
- Ban Undead
- Benimaru Kijin
- Deldry The Pleiades Of The Blue Sky
- Elaine Fairy King’s Forest
- Friesia Weird Fangs
- Griamore Adventurer
- Griamore Iron Wall Knight
- Hendrickson Melt
- Howzer Lioness Royalty
- Howzer Star Of The Kingdom
- Hugo Roars Of Dawn
- Jude Weird Fangs
- King Protector Of Dolls
- King The Seven Deadly Sins
- Simon Roars Of Dawn
- Taizoo Vaizel Fight Festival
I know, I know, the Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List you’ve just successfully finished is a lot to take in. So much so that’s it can be quite overwhelming to look at. BUT, it can surely give you an idea of how strong (or, unfortunately, weak) your set of fighters are. I highly suggest that you focus your energy on heroes that fall under Tier SS all the way to Tier B, should you ever get your hands on them. Dig deeper into how you can make the most out of them. On the other hand, those that fall below that range should be in the least of your concerns and kept in the shadows.
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