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King’s Raid Tier List



Today, we will be focusing on the ultimate King’s Raid Tier List.

But, because we know how much you love the game (and honestly, because of how much we love you as well) we will be presenting you with NOT ONE, BUT TWO lists. There will be one for PvE (Player versus Environment) and one for PvP (Player versus Player).

As you may have already known, each game mode requires a specific strategy that can help players in dominating their opponents. In making this list, we took into account the damage, heal, and utility each hero can provide, as well as the communities preferences. Of course, all of them adapted to the current meta.

This is a major update. We now have 2 tier lists, one for PvP and another for Pve.

The success of King’s Raid is unquestionable. Millions upon millions have played this game and got sucked in by its immersive story and gacha game mechanics that makes it super addictive to play. One of the most common problems players like you might face is finding the next best hero to add to your composition. Not knowing what works in the current meta or not is what makes this problem even more tricky to solve. Additionally, there are so many characters to choose from, and it is very very understandable why some would find it dizzying to pick the right one.

We are very much aware of this dilemma, which is why we created this tier list (or lists, we’ve got two for you anyway). Hopefully, this article will help you stay and be on the lookout for the best heroes with an easy, comprehensive, and straightforward list.

Now that’s everything has been said, let’s move right into our King’s Raid Tier List.


In this first list, we will be ranking the best heroes from a Player vs Player (PVP) perspective.


Here we have the characters that are a must-pick. If you find them, we suggest that you just go ahead and put them on your team. After all, their stats are amazing and they can help you deal with most of the enemies’ compositions. There’s no way they can counter you with any of these heroes on your side.

  • Loman
  • Miruru
  • Requina
  • Leo
  • Rephy
  • Pavel
  • Hilda
  • Estelle
  • Lucikiel
  • Pansirone
  • Xerah


These characters might not be the best of the best, but hey, they will definitely make great additions to most team compositions. In some cases, they can even surpass the S-Tier heroes if they are combined with the right heroes. In general though, they are a bit inferior to the S-Tier ones.

  • Demia
  • Fluss
  • Dimael
  • Ricardo
  • Nyx
  • Cassandra
  • Scarlet
  • Ophelia
  • Maria
  • Chase
  • Lucias
  • Juno
  • Mirianne
  • Gremory


With the right support, these heroes will do an amazing job in your team. Without the right team members to back them up, however, these heroes can easily rank lower on this list. If your team composition is not made in such a way that the heroes’ abilities are given the opportunity to synergize and mesh well, you might get disappointed by these heroes’ abilities. That said, you just gotta make sure that you have a clear game plan when picking heroes.

  • Tanya
  • Gau
  • Nia
  • Sonia
  • Cecilia
  • Theo
  • Chrisha
  • Luna
  • Aselica
  • Jane
  • Annette
  • Ezekiel
  • Erze
  • Epis
  • Arch
  • Zafir
  • Dosarta
  • Shamilla
  • Lilia
  • Mediana
  • Laias
  • Baudouin


On this tier, we are starting to lose some power. Many of these characters are situational, which means that they can support a specific team composition. In general, however,  it will be hard to create teams that will benefit from these characters in the long run.

  • Phillop
  • Lakrak
  • Kara
  • Viska*
  • Kasel
  • Laudia
  • Naila*
  • Rodina
  • Oddy
  • Artemia
  • Aisha
  • Priscilla
  • Shea
  • Frey
  • Kaulah
  • Cleo
  • Seria
  • Isolet
  • Ripine
  • Riheet
  • Talisha
  • Yuria


D-Tier means no good. You shouldn’t focus on fitting these heroes into any of your strategies, no matter how tempting it may be at the beginning. Their purpose is only to function as placeholders for better heroes to come while you grind through the game.

  • Yanne
  • May
  • Roi
  • Gladi
  • Lorraine
  • Shakmeh
  • Crow
  • Selene
  • Reina
  • Neraxis


Finally, we have the LOL-Tier. Here you’ll find heroes that are truly meant to be in different game modes (who knows, maybe LOL) since in PvP, they are serving almost no purpose. If they don’t get some serious tweaking, then they will remain at the bottom of our list.

  • Mitra
  • Glenwys
  • Morrah
  • Esker
  • Clause
  • Lavril
  • Veronica
  • Lewisia

Who is the best Hero in King’s Raid PvP?

The best Hero in King’s Raid is LOMAN. The survivability he offers in combination with his damage and utility are unparalleled and after we added him to our team composition we saw a dramatic increase in our winning percentages. If you combine him with a great healer and some decent DPS you will be Unstoppable!


On the next page is our King’s Raid Tier List: PvE

King’s Raid Tier List: PvE

Let’s get into the PvE rankings. You will notice that there are dramatical differences between heroes that might be good for PvP and PvE. Even so, changes as big as from S-Tier to D-Tier are still possible. So, take into account that a hero that is great for PvP might not work for PvE. That said, it’s better for you to study these 2 King’s Raid Tier Lists individually.


As mentioned,  these are the best of the best. Characters that will let you tear through the content of the game without any problem, propelling you to the very end.

  • Artemia
  • Cleo
  • Erze
  • Clause
  • Glenwys
  • Zafir
  • Neraxis
  • Lucikiel
  • Talisha
  • Pansirone
  • Cecilia


I think by now, you get the drill. These are great heroes, just a bit less powerful than the ones on the S-Tier. They can be great supports for your team though.

  • Phillop
  • Viska*
  • Mediana
  • Laias
  • Chrisha*
  • Frey
  • Mirianne
  • Jane
  • Luna
  • Lakrak
  • Epis
  • Miruru*
  • Loman*
  • Requina
  • Theo
  • Nyx
  • Maria
  • Rephy
  • Gremory
  • Xerah
  • Yuria


On this tier we have the characters that are a bit more situational than the ones on the S-Tier and the A-Tier, but they can still be a great addition to your team. Choose the ones that suit your playstyle the best and let them brawl it out with the computer with no fear.

  • Lilia
  • Aselica*
  • Naila*
  • Arch
  • Gau
  • Reina
  • Gladi*
  • Nia
  • Laudia
  • Priscilla
  • Ezekiel
  • Annette
  • Juno
  • Hilda
  • Estelle


Now on this tier, it’s okay to start having some fear. There are some characters that would excel if they are given the right back up, especially with some cheeky strats. But, in the grander scheme of things, you are probably starting to lose some significant firepower if you use these heroes.

  • Lavril
  • Esker
  • Chase
  • Lorraine
  • Dimael
  • Pavel
  • Oddy
  • Aisha
  • Shea*
  • Kaulah
  • Ophelia
  • Sonia
  • Tanya
  • Seria
  • Scarlet
  • Shamilla
  • Selene
  • Kara
  • Isolet
  • Ripine
  • Riheet
  • Shakmeh


Now that we are almost at the bottom of this PvE King’s Raid Tier List, you can expect the heroes here to be at a significant disadvantage compared to most that are on this list (expect the one in LOL-Tier, of course). I understand that you might pick them just for the beginning of the game, but if you have a better alternative (looking at our list) then we recommend that you take it.

  • Lucias
  • Dosarta
  • Lewisia
  • Veronica*
  • Rodina
  • May
  • Demia
  • Morrah
  • Roi
  • Dimael
  • Cassandra


Do we even have to say it? DON’T PICK THEM.

  • Ricardo
  • Kasel
  • Crow
  • Fluss
  • Mitra
  • Yanne
  • Leo
  • Baudouin

Who’s the best Hero in King’s Raid PvE?

For us, the best hero for King’s Raid PVE is ARTEMIA. She can deal incredible amounts of damage in an area (AoE) making her an obvious choice when taking out the enemies’ minions regardless of their number. Don’t think she will have any problem with dealing damage to the bosses, because she tears through them easily as well. Behind the right Tank, she can make wonders and that’s for sure.



On the next page is our King’s Raid Dragon Raid Team


As you might already know, there is a very difficult and rewarding raid in King’s Raid. This is the Black Dragon Raid. Definitely a challenge for everyone that is trying to get better gear in the game. To complete this raid at the highest levels (75+) you need the ideal heroes to be combined in such a way that they synergize perfectly. It is not an easy task to achieve and you need to spend a lot of time testing your team’s strength and grinding the lower level raids to get some gear for your characters. Given all this, we have decided to add a bonus table in this article for all the brave and strong-willed King’s Raid fans out there.

We have added a table that ranks the characters that are worth considering while going for the Black Dragon Raid

GauTank (CC, Cleanse, Buffer)S
YanneDealer (Main)S
AnnetteSupport (CC Immunity, Amp)S
NeraxisTank (Protector)S
ClauseTank (Protector, AsSlow)S
GlenwysTank (Protector)S
LakrakDealer (CC, AoE)A
PriscillaSubdealer (Buffer, s2)A
LaiasSupport (Manabattery)A
Miruru*Subdealer (CC, AoE)A
LorraineSubdealer (CC, AoE)A
PhillopTank (Shred, Amp)A
Chrisha*Subdealer (Aoe Amp)A
ZafirDealer (Aoe)A
LunaDealer (Main)A
FreySupport (Shield)A
LavrilSupport (Buffer, weak heal)A
RoiDealer (Single Target)A
Theo(Sub-)Dealer (CC, Amp)A
EzekielDealer (CC, Defpen)A
Naila*Subdealer (Amp, CC)A
ArtemiaDealer (AoE)A
ReinaDealer (Single Target)A
RephySupport (Cleanse, Healer)A
KaulahSupport (CC, Buffer)A
Gladi*(Sub-)Dealer (Amp)A
MedianaSupport (Buffer, s3)A
Loman*Tank (Amp, Cleanse, Shield)A
RequinaSubdealer (Amp, Blockred.)A
SoniaTank (CC, Amp)B
Veronica*Support (Buffer, Amp)B
Dimael(Sub-)Dealer (bit of everything)B
CrowDealer (AoE)B
CleoDealer (AoE)B
KaraPut with Shea or RipB
MirianneDealer (Single Target)B
Arch(Sub-)Dealer (M.Shield, Defpen)B
SeleneDealer (Main)B
Lilia(Sub-)Dealer (Buffer)B
JunoSupport (Cleanse, Dispel)B
Tanya(Sub-)Dealer (Silence, Dispel)B
Viska*(Sub-)Dealer (CC, Amp, Shred)B
KaselSelfish (Acc Debuff, Dodge)B
NiaDealer (Defpen)B
EpisDealer (Main)B
JaneTank (Amp, Shred)B
Ophelia(Sub-)Dealer (Buffer, Burst)B
AishaDealer (Single Target)B
ChaseDealer (Buffprevention)B
MorrahTank (Protector, Amp)B
SeriaDealer (Defpen, always crits)B
LaudiaDealer (Single Target)C
RodinaDealer (Single Target)C
LuciasSupport (Anti P.Damage)C
RicardoTank (CC, Protector)C
Aselica*Tank (Buffer, Amp)C
DemiaTank (PvP)C
MaySupport (Buffer, Healer)C
Scarlet(Sub-)Dealer (Cleanse, Dispel)C
Esker(Sub-)Dealer (Buffer, Aoe Amp)C
OddySupport (CDR)C
Shea*Support (everything)C
Pavel(Sub-)Dealer (CC, AoE)C
Shamilla(Sub-)Dealer (Dispel, Pvp)D
MariaSubdealer (CC, Amp)D
FlussDealer (Anti-Magic)D
CassandraSupport (Disruption, Buffer)D
NyxDealer (AoE, Dispel)D
ErzeDealer (AoE)D
DosartaTank (PvP)D
LewisiaDealer (Single Target)F
BaudouinSupport (s3, Buffer, CC)F
MitraDealer (Single Target)F
LeoSupport (s3, Shred, Dispel)F

If you are looking to go for the Dragon Raid, we suggest you pick the characters higher on this list (if you have the ability) and have a team that is comprised of:

2-3 Tanks

1-2 DPS

1-2 Subdealers/Aoe/Stunners

3 Supports

Of course, you should put the magical damage amplifiers with the magical damage dealers and the physical damage amplifiers, with the physical damage dealers to get the most out of your DPS.


King’s Raid is a game that requires a lot of time investment in order to get to the highest level of play. If you are ready to invest this time, it’s best for you to take into account our list while you are climbing the ranks. However, if you are in it, just for the amazing characters and animations, then what are you doing here?

Go play the game.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out our other tier lists below:

Dan Western is the founder of Gaming Gorilla, as well as several other infotainment blogs. When he's not working on his business, he's likely in the gym or playing video games. Dan's current setup is a PS5/Nintendo Switch living room setup, and a custom RTX 3090, I9-10850K inside the Lian Li 011D Mini for his office setup.

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