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The 25 Rarest Lego Sets Ever Made

What are the rarest LEGO sets ever made?
We’re not sure anyone could have guessed how valuable these toys would become, given LEGO’s humble start at the hands of a single toymaker, Kirk Kristiansen, in 1932.
The rarest Lego sets earn their ranking due to minimal availability and a thriving collector’s market that always looks out for those one-of-a-kind pieces.
So, we thought we’d round up the rarest lego sets on the market, so you can see for yourself how rare some of these sets actually are.
The Rarest LEGO Sets Ever Made
Our ranked lists are created by researching and rounding up information from the most reputable web sources.
Here’s our list of the 25 rarest LEGO sets ever made:
25. Yoda Wearing “I Heart NY Shirt” (New York Toy Fair 2013)
Value: $1,000
Yoda’s 2013 New York toy fair release was part of a promotion for unveiling the largest ever LEGO Model in Times Square, an x-wing Starfighter.
With a purchase of another set at the Lego Store, 1,000 lucky customers received a free Minifigure featuring Yoda wearing an I heart NY shirt.
Though 1,000 units is quite a bit for an exclusive release, very few of these minis have hit the market for sale, so the estimated value of a Yoda-1 model may be even higher than $1,000.
24. The Batcave: The Penguin And Mr. Freeze’s Invasion – Set Number 7783-1 – (2006)
Value: $1,200
Composed of 7 mini-figures, five unique to this set, the Batcave Lego set also includes two vehicles, a control center, Batman’s costume transformation chamber, a dock and repair bay, and a secret entrance for the prison cell.
Batman is one of the most consistently popular figures for Lego sets to this day, probably because superhero content will always be in high demand.
Those interested in more from the DC universe might want to check out this list of the best fighting games of all time featuring Injustice 2, in which Batman took a major role.
23. Lego Store Grand Opening (Glasgow Minifigure Set)
Value: $1,210.30
The Glasgow set is one of the most unique on this list, as it doesn’t include any blocks. As a part of this set, there are three Minifigures and their respective props.
Only three hundred of this set were ever given out at the grand opening of the LEGO Store in Glasgow.
Featured in the giveaway were a gray-haired businessman, a farmer with a bucket and pitchfork, and a blue-lipped woman with a megaphone.
Crazy that this little thing goes for over a $1,000, isn’t it?
22. Death Star II (2005) – Set Number 10143-1
Value: $1,250
Star Wars sets seem to rule the top of the Lego collector’s items list, and the Death Star II is another valuable addition.
Interestingly, this set is still available through retail even though it only ran for two years before retiring in 2007.
Another addition to the Ultimate Collector Series, it seems most Star Wars sets released for collectors retain their value for years to come.
A fully built set features a partially constructed Death Star with green laser poised and ready to fire.
21. Darth Maul Lego Head
Value: $1,254.95
Steadily climbing in value since 2016, the Darth Maul LEGO set was released in 2001 and is part of the Ultimate Collector’s Series.
Since the release of Phantom Menace in 1999, marking his first appearance in the Star Wars universe, Darth Maul has achieved cult status in the fandom.
His feature in the LEGO Star Wars collection is not only valuable, but it’s notoriously difficult to put together.
Composed of over 1,800 pieces, the set comes together to form a realistic composition of Darth Maul’s head that stands about 17 inches tall.
20. Imperial Star Destroyer
Value: $1,603.60
Released in 2002 as part of the Star Wars Ultimate Collector’s series, the Imperial Star Destroyer ran for five years and marked the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
With a piece count of over 3,000, at the time of its release, it was the biggest Star Wars ship ever produced at 37′ by 23′.
Because of the high number of pieces, you could actually make around $2,400 just selling it off for parts. Perhaps that goes to show how many of those tiny little pieces get swept into the dustpan, never to be seen again.
19. Han Solo On His Tauntaun
Value: $1,850
Released in 2011, this set was given away to pass holders of the Ambassador Lifetime Membership pass, which sold for $2,500 per person.
Only 400 of this exclusive LEGO Star Wars set were created, but fans hypothesize that because of the high price of the pass, not nearly this many sets entered into circulation, and therefore, few are ever seen on the market.
This set features a building technique that wasn’t commonly used in retail sets, so displaying the finished model was difficult, as weak spots enabled limbs to be knocked off with ease.
Despite its irregularity, those who attended the classes and put the set together enjoyed it so much that word of mouth had people joining the Ambassador’s program on the spot for a chance at putting together this set.
As you can find the blocks necessary to put it together by buying them separately for a total of around $120, finding the sealed Lego set with plastic packages included is what makes this set valuable.
18. Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon (2007) – Set Number 75192-1
Value: $2,300
Another unique addition to the Star Wars Ultimate Collector series, the Millenium Falcon, is remembered for being the biggest lego set ever produced at the time.
This thing was gigantic with over 5,000 pieces and finished dimensions of 26 x 19 x 7.6 inches.
As a display piece, this thing deserves a center spot, but as a toy with a fully functional spinning radar dish, extending boarding ramp, and rotating quad-lasers, it might just be too cool not to play with.
Even on its release date in October of 2007, the retail price for this thing was a bit wild. In the US, you’d be parting with $500 for it, new.
The love of Star Wars and superhero sets is a testament to the enduring popularity of the genres.
If you can’t get enough of space battles and superhero fights, take a look at Marvel Super Heroes 2, featured on our list of the best split-screen Xbox One games.
17. LEGO System House – Set Number 4000034-1
Value: $2,450
As a somewhat recent release, the pretty price tag on this lego set is surprising.
Given away to 2019 Inside tour attendees, the set includes ten Minifigures representing sales directors from Europe, each with representative flags for their country of origin.
Each flag is displayed on top of the System House the way it was during its 1958 inauguration.
Only 80 lego sets of the System House were ever produced. They’re also infrequently appearing for sale, making their estimated value a humble one. When one does hit the market, it could skyrocket the price.
16. Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set (Comic Con 2005)
Value: $2,500.00
Annual growth for this set has been greater than 29 percent, and though it will probably level off at around 19 percent over the next year, it is still climbing steadily in value.
Composed of Batman and Joker Minifigures, a Joker gun, and a rope for Batman, only 250 units were available for the giveaway at the con.
The Joker’s voice gives the announcement for the upcoming release of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, which aired in the summer of 2005.
With the small number of units available and the number of pieces, the Batman Announcement set is one of the rarest and most expensive Lego sets per piece on this list.
15. HC Andersen’s Clumsy Hans (2015) – Set Number 4000020-1
Value: $2,500
Copies of this set are estimated at around 400, with 80 given away to the Inside Tour participants and 320 given out to LEGOLAND Ambassador pass holders in 2015.
Inside, two printed pieces exclusive to the set were included, making these parts especially important.
The inspiration for this Lego set was two-fold. Originally, LEGO released a toy that was the first wooden model of a human in 1936, and the inspiration for this character is none other than Hans Christian Andersen, famed fairy tale writer of the 19th century.
The LEGO block set that followed when the company started making bricks was limited in its design because of the number of pieces available at the time.
Finally released in 2015, this may be one of the most storied sets available today, perhaps one of the reasons it is so highly sought after.
14. The Cloud City – Set Number 10123
Value: $2,697
Having only run for two years (2003 – 2005), this special Lego Star Wars edition is one of the more understated inclusions.
We’re not even entirely sure what’s supposed to be going on when it’s all put together. A murder mystery house party in heaven?
Apparently, that’s not too far off. According to the box, Luke and Princess Leia journey to Cloud City, only to find themselves facing off against Darth Vader.
Several notable features of this set include a fully functional carbon freezing chamber with a lowering platform and carbonite block, a sliding door, an exclusive Boba Fett Minifigure, and it’s the first and only set where Lando Calrissian is wearing his most recognizable clothing.
13. The Legoland Train (LEGO Inside Tour 2014)
Value: $2748.35
The annual growth of the Legoland train has been nearly 40 percent since its release in 2015.
It’s a relatively small set with only 548 pieces and seven Minifigures, but estimates say it may continue to grow by 20 percent over the next several years.
This exclusive lego set was given away to the LEGO Inside Tour attendees in 2014 and was only produced in 4 sets of 80. Lego Inside Tour sets are some of the rarest lego sets on the market because of this style of release.
12. LEGO House Tree of Creativity – Set Number 4000024
Value: $3,000
A gift to attendees of the 2017 LEGO Inside Tour, this exclusive set was limited to 175. It includes 981 pieces and six Minifigures and represents the actual Tree of Creativity, an iconic landmark in Billund, Denmark.
What seems to be the same set (4000026) was released and was only available in the LEGO Brand Store in the LEGO House in Denmark, making both difficult to find.
The store-bought set only goes for around $113 US dollars on secondary markets.
It’s possible there’s a world of difference between these two that’s only visible to the trained collector’s eye, but to our eyes, they look exactly the same, minus the product picture’s orientation.
11. LEGO Truck Show – Set Number 4000022
Value: $3,191
This LEGO sets limited edition run produced only 80 units.
This 816 piece set with eight minifigures was given to the Inside Tour group in 2016. Even selling the Minifigures separately could net you around $50 a piece.
Reportedly, its real-life truck counterpart drove across Europe from 1996 to 2004 as part of a project to showcase LEGO’s products.
One unique aspect of this set is that the truck’s yellow doors had not been seen in that color since 2010, making recreating the set a bit more difficult for those who can’t cough up several thousand dollars for the original.
10. LEGO Toy Fair Star Wars VIP Gala Set Vader
Value: $3,337
As a small set with a piece count of 53, plus 3 minifigures, this gala set features Darth Vader and Anakin as the main attractions.
Due to its limited appearances on the market since 2005, this lego Star Wars set is both more valuable and perhaps undervalued since it doesn’t appear for sale often.
Also unique to this set, it is one of only two to date where Darth Vader doesn’t come with his signature black cape.
It’s surprising to us that Darth Vader sets don’t appear more often on this list, but lovers of the series and Lord Vader himself would enjoy his part in the digital Lego-verse, featured on this list of the best Lego games of all time.
9. Villy Thomsen Truck – Set Number 4000008
Value: $3,500
With only 43 sets ever produced, the Villy Thomsen Lego set is exceedingly rare. Its inspiration was the first truck LEGO group acquired in the 1950s to transport their products.
Given away to LEGO insider attendees in 2013, this historical lego set is one of many that commemorates the company’s growth from its somewhat humble origins.
We’d consider buying it just for those tiny little LEGO boxes. Can you put legos in the lego boxes? If not, then our feelings are hurt.
8. LECA Automobile (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2005 Edition)
Value: $3,831.16
Value for the LECA Automotobile lego set has been on a steep incline since 2018. This exclusive set was given to those who attended the LEGO Inside Tour in 2005.
Altogether, the finished product isn’t anything special. It comes together to form a red multi-dimensional car with a Minifigure at the helm.
However, the value will continue to grow by at least seventeen percent over the next 2 to 3 years, so clearly, this plain little guy just has to be himself to be appreciated.
7. Airport Shuttle (1990) – Set Number 6399-1
Value: $4,000
The original price for this 1990 release was $140, and while the value is not increasing as rapidly as it did over the last few years, it is still highly valuable. Even used sets can fetch upwards of $1,000.
The best thing about this vintage track and shuttle is that it actually runs on a 9-volt battery. Shortly after its initial release, an add-on hit the market that became Lego’s first switching tracks set.
6. Toy Fair Anakin Promotion (2005)
Value: $4,257
In conjunction with the release of Lego Star Wars Episode III, this set was released at one of three toy fairs, one of them being a V.I.P. Gala promotion.
Its limited availability on the market has skyrocketed its value, making this rare lego gala set an enticing but elusive must-have for Star Wars collectors.
As far as we’re aware, this set features only a single Minifiguree of Anakin with his blue lightsaber, making this one of the most expensive lego sets per piece on the list.
5. TMNT Antonio’s Pizza-Rama
Value: $4,276
This is a weird one. As one of the most valuable Lego sets on this list, this literal LEGO pizza was released as a promotional set for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at a 2021 Comic-Con in New York.
As a nice little quirk, its packaging is a pizza box.
According to Brickipedia, this is the only licensed set to feature only a food object made of bricks. We’re convinced the only reason they haven’t done more of this is that legos are already a delicious-looking choking hazard.
4. LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2012 Edition Of Piper Airplane
Value: $4,500
Like the Clumsy Hans, the Piper Airplane lego set has a history that appeals to LEGO collector diehards.
Based on the first airplane acquired by LEGO in 1962, the Piper Airplane is also a very rare set with only 53 copies ever made.
This relatively simple design comprises close to 800 pieces and includes a display stand for the plane. While it may not seem special, annual growth for a mint condition Piper Airplane has exceeded 35 percent since 2018.
Due to the lack of sets currently on the market, the value may be even higher than is estimated here.
3. Cars – Set Number 4000000
Value: $5,651
As far as rare sets go, Cars is one of the rarest at only 33 sets given away to members of the 2010 LEGO Inside Tour.
With such a small starting number of sets, the actual value is probably even higher than the listed price, as one may not ever hit the market again.
As rare as it is, it also seems to have gone unnoticed in the Lego collector’s community, as it hardly appears on the major fan sites in listings or wishlists.
For those who truly have to catch ’em all, though, seekers of the Cars lego set, mint in box, have about a snowball’s chance in hell of adding it to their collection.
2. Moulding Machines – Set Number 4000001
Value: $6,733
Another LEGO Inside Tour exclusive, the Moulding Machine lego set, is exceedingly rare at only 68 copies ever made.
Its annual growth since 2016 has been over 36 percent but is projected to continue to grow by 20 percent over the next few years.
The set contains nearly 900 pieces and comes together to create the Lego Moulding Machines that make the Lego blocks. One represents the original hand-cranked machine from 1949, and the other is a current model.
Even fans who pay for admission to the tours agree that this set is plain, but a little bit of Lego history included in an exclusive giveaway has proven to be financially rewarding down the line!
1. Ole Kirk’s House
Value: $9,459
As one of the most expensive Lego sets on the market today, Ole Kirk’s House has been rising exponentially in price since its limited release in 2009. Only 32 sets were created of Lego founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen’s house.
It seems only fitting that the man instrumental in creating the empire that has become LEGO has one of the most coveted lego sets in circulation today.
If we, the writers, and you, the readers, can learn anything from this list, it’s this: fork up the money for member events early and often, and you’ll reap the rewards in re-selling them down the line.
Also, there’s no better time to live in the cross-over bubble between the Star Wars and Lego fandom.
Here’s a quick recap of the 25 rarest lego sets ever made:
- Ole Kirk’s House
- Moulding Machines
- Cars
- Piper Airplane
- TMNT Antonio’s Pizza-Rama
- Toy Fair Anakin Promotion
- Airport Shuttle
- LECA Automobile
- Villy Thomsen Truck
- LEGO Toy Fair Star Wars Vader
- LEGO Truck Show
- LEGO House Tree of Creativity
- The Legoland Train
- The Cloud City
- Clumsy Hans
- Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set
- LEGO System House
- Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon
- Han Solo on His Tauntaun
- Imperial Star Destroyer
- Darth Maul Lego Head
- Death Star II
- Glasgow Minifigure Set
- The Batcave: The Penguin and Mr. Freeze’s Invasion
- Yoda Wearing “I Heart NY Shirt”