What are the best Naruto characters? Starting out as a manga series released in 1997, Naruto has been going strong since, and it shows no signs...
What are the best One Punch Man characters? One Punch Man is one of the most hilarious and well-written anime series to date, and it is...
Who are the strongest anime characters of all time? Anime has a solid reputation for delivering incredibly strong characters capable of enduring the most intense battles....
Who are the best brunette hair anime girls? We all know that redheads are fiery, blondes have more fun, and black-haired girls are mysterious, but what...
What are the best Dragon Ball Z characters? The Dragon Ball series is one of the most popular animes of all time, and everyone in the...
Who are the best blonde hair anime girls? You know what they say, blondes have more fun, and that is certainly true when it comes to...
Who are the best long hair anime girls? Anime girls with long hair are often some of the most memorable characters, and not just because their...
Who are the best black hair anime girls? While it may seem impossible to choose, especially when there are so many incredible female anime characters with...
Who are the best green hair anime girls? In anime, green is a rare hair color, and it isn’t one that you’ll find in just any...
Who are the best purple hair anime girls? Purple-haired anime characters definitely stand out in a crowd and are almost always guaranteed to be special. Today...